Our secret baking mission for our dear choreographers the night before the actual commbased performance!


Credits to my dear yongroundround for the awesome photos!!!

My baby ngiam!!

Alex with our sweet cards ...

...and 'the best thing that ever happened to her'

Nathan as PCK!

Some pictures from the performance!




The rest of the photos up on fb!!!!
After riffling through the various uploaded commbased albums, I realized that I don't have many photos depicting my entire commbased journey (and I really, really regret not taking more photos from the start!!!) but it was still extremely fulfilling and awesome beyond words I just can't believe it's all over. I'll miss warming up to Turning Tables, Secrets, Never Say Never, I Got You .......... doing crazy sets of crunches and arm exercises! 2 months of intensive training amounted to ugly bruised knees, countless floor burns, on-&-off muscle aches on every single part of my (already) sore body, horrendous eye bags heaping up on my existent ones from the lack of sleep, but most importantly ........ it brought me a lot closer to the dear girls whom I never expected to get this close to. They're family ♥
During curtain call, our choreographers came to us with tears welled up in their eyes, beaming from ear to ear - it was such an emotional moment and I'm not trying to be cheesy or anything BUT ...... it was indeed overwhelming and we felt the massive TPDE love. Now that commbased is over, I am freaking psyched for GEMS 7!!!!!!!!
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