
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Day and night

Assignment after assignment, deadline after deadline ..... and now with the upcoming exams: All I need is a fucking long break from school. And a new pencil case. And a new spot to store my dry box since it looks so out of place on my shelf. AND a new twitter display picture (I mentioned this to Chennie this morning). There never seems to be enough time for me, myself and I. I hate Tuesdays, I really do. It's 11.32. I'm in applied science, I see no point in presentations. Ok, maybe I do but I just don't want to do them because blah < sleep. Dance practices on Tuesday nights make me happy though - sssstoked for GEMS 7! I would love to update my instagram on a daily basis but the photos turn out shitty and I end up 'x'-ing them so it's like ...... you know. I shouldn't even be here.

I will update this space. With less incoherent thoughts.
P/s that was my thought-flow

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Break even

"Hearts run right to the end, right to the end."