
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A little Sunday satisfaction

Then again, them trying times

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You got wires going in

This is definitely one of those days where everything just feels wrong but I just can't put my finger on why. Or maybe I can. Hence, plugging into iTunes and typing mere shit that pops up in my head will be one of the best therapies. Whatever it is, I just hope this feeling goes away because I hate being troubled and feeling the burden of having an unresolved problem. I like feeling happy. I can't rely on people as much as I want to because they aren't gonna be there forever and they are gonna think for themselves whether I like it or not. That rarely leaves them with an elbowroom to actually want to understand how I feel. Because you can't make people understand. Everyone is similar in different ways which ultimately keeps it a cycle of not wanting to recognize that one shouldn't be acting a certain way. So, what's the point of self-pity anyway? What a sitch and I KNOW I SOUND AS THOUGH I'M NOT MAKING ANY SENSE BUT IT REALLY DOES IN MY HEAD so I'll just leave as it is. (I need a happier playlist btw) That aside, I can't seem to appropriately string my thoughts in words (still) and my plain usage of vocabulary is child-like and it disgusts me I should totally pick up a dictionary-reading hobby or something.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

GEM 7: The Lost Race

31st March 2012 marked the end of the amazing GEM 7 journey for the TPDE family. There're so much mixed feelings that I can't properly justify with words - in a nutshell, I've really enjoyed myself and March without GEM 7 would just be .....March and March alone. A couple of my favorite shots :) ....... but almost every shot is my favorite shot SIGGGGGGGHHHHHH being retarded from all the PGS. Day 3 of PGS. Day 3??? Really???? It doesn't feel like it at all. With the constant lalapong and twitter updates from the dancers ....this post is gna be filled with so much love.

Can't imagine what this entire month would be like without them FOR REAL (so so so thankful for you girls niaoniaoho and raogrongngiamz)

And not forgetting the BBGs heheheh!!!!

And everyone else who made it so worthwhile!!!!

Super grateful to be a part of this item ...thanks for everything Mel

BASICALLY ........


P/s now what??? ..... :(